• Giving opinion •

 One day, A came to B to talk about something

A: "Hey B"
B: "Hey A, what's up?"
A: "I'm good. Just wanna ask you somehing. You know this whole fight racism things that goes viral nowadays?"
B: "Yeah sure"
A: "What's your opinion towards that?"
B: "I think people are overreacting. It's silly"
A: "Wow, i really disagree with what you said. It makes me feel uncomfortable."
B: "Umm, why..?"
A: "You said that this whole movement to fight racism is just dumb and silly"
B: "i said that because it's true. I think people don't really care about that. They just post things about BLM movement and stuff to look cool"
A: "I think that is not true"
B: "Wow, what's your opinion about that?"
A: "In my opinion, people are really educating themselves. They didn't do that just to look cool. If you think people use this incident to make themselves famous and make other people think they're nice and all, you're a very small-minded person"
B: "Well then, if people really care about racism, Why is the protest movement just getting started? This whole racism thing is already exist for a long long time"
A: "It's because people like you! People that think that protesting something wrong is just a waste of time. And because of that, the good people were afraid to start a protest until now. And even now, when we're already start a movement, you still think that's dumb"

A is furious, she left B alone. A while later, B come to her and apologize.

B: "I'm sorry that i said something offensive. I realize that i was wrong. I respect your opinion B. I will try to be a better person"
A: "That's good. And by the way, I think it'll be very good if you think before you judge something. And you should start educating yourself about issues in this world and stop being ignorant."
B: "I agree with you in that, i'll stop being ignorant and judgemental, i promise"

The end


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